I was asked by a friend and event organiser to help take photographs of the most recent “Stomp” dance event in Canberra. “The Stomp” is a charity dance event that is held three times a year, bringing together a broad spectrum of (mainly partner) dance styles for performances and freestyle dancing. The latest Stomp on the weekend was the 20th such event, which combined have raised almost A$70,000 for some very worthwhile causes, including the 2004 Tsunami and the 2010 Haiti Earthquake. As I’ve mentioned previously on this blog, taking photographs of dancing is some of the most challenging of tasks a photographer can face; but especially given the “Masquerade” theme of this event, it was a chance to take some very nice photos. The full set can be viewed on Flickr.
Leonard Low is a photographer and film maker currently based in Canberra, Australia, specialising in portrait and event photography, and digital High Definition cinematography.